Pirates of the Caribben Contest

Terms and Conditions

By participating in the Classic-Pirates.com “Pirates of the Caribbean” Contest you are bound to certain terms and conditions. You must also agree to the conditions of the Classic-Pirates.com Terms of Use and Disclaimer.

Classic-Pirates.com will probably not vary these Terms and Conditions on a regular basis, however we reserve the exclusive right to do so. Please ensure on each visit to our site that you are up-to-date with our current Terms and Conditions. Your continued use of our website constitutes your acceptance of our Terms and Conditions irrespective of the date they were last revised.  If you do not accept our Terms and Conditions you may not use or access our website.


The use of “Classic-Pirates.com”, “our” and “we” in these terms refers to any person involved in the development, administration, moderation, content creation and ongoing maintenance of Classic-Pirates.com, the LEGO Pirates Forum hosted on Eurobricks.com or any Social Networking Profile with Classic-Pirates.com branding.

“Our websites” , “Our website” or “Domain” refer to Classic-Pirates.com, Eurobricks or any website with Classic-Pirates.com branding.  This includes, but is not limited social media websites including Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, FlickR, YouTube and Photobucket.

“Branding” refers to the words “Classic-Pirates” or any variation of their presentation in text or image format.

“Contest”, “Event” or “Initiative” refers to our Pirates of the Caribbean Contest.

“Entrants”, “you” or “your” refers to any person entering this contest or visiting one of our websites.

“Participation” constitutes the submission of data to the Classic-Pirates.com server, Eurobricks server, Classic-Pirates.com Facebook page or any webpage with Classic-Pirates.com branding. Information is submitted to the server each time you access one of our websites.

“LEGO Pirates Forum”,” Pirates Forum” and “Pirate LEGO Forum” refer the Pirate LEGO themed forum hosted on Eurobricks. https://forum.classic-pirates.com

“Social Network” refers to the Classic-Pirates.com page on Facebook
www.facebook.com/classicpirates .

“Mailing List” is Classic-Pirates.com opt-in Mailing List.

“Internet Browser” is the software which you use to enter the contest.

“Internet Device” is the hardware which you use to enter the contest.

“Cookies” are temporary files stored in your Internet Browser to hold data relating to your use of our websites.

General Terms

The Pirates of the Caribbean Contest has two divisions, Forum and Mailing List.  Each division has its own unique terms but entrants must also agree to the general terms.

1.1.1 Entrants may submit one entry per division.

1.1.2 If an entrant is found to have registered additional Eurobricks or Email accounts to submit entries, that entrant will be disqualified.

1.1.3 Entries must be submitted after the commencement date and before the closing date. Early or late entries may not be accepted.

1.2. We reserve the right to modify contest dates at any time.

1.3 Cookies must be enabled in your Web Browser.

1.4 Misconduct may result in temporary suspension from the contest or banning in severe cases. Misconduct includes the submission of spam, advertising, profanity or any behavior or material we deem inappropriate.

1.5 Our websites are designed to function in the latest Internet Browsers.

1.5.1 It is your responsibility to ensure your system / Internet device is capable of rendering our websites. We will take no accountability if you cannot access our webpages.

1.5.2 We will not be held liable for your inability to access or use any of our website, nor any affect it has on your system / Internet device, during or after its use.

1.5.3. We will not be held accountable for any technical difficulties or damage your Internet device may experience as a result of accessing our websites.

1.8 We are not liable for any emotional, mental or physical state you may experience during or after accessing our websites.

1.8.1 We are not liable for any behavior you exhibit or misfortune you experience during or after using our websites.

1.9 You accept our websites are available on an “as is” basis and we provide no guarantee they will be accessible at all times.

1.9.1 You accept our websites may require maintenance and updates.  We offer no estimate for how long modifications may take to complete, nor will we claim any responsibility for any adverse effect the modifications may have on your Internet device or user experience.

1.10 If you have submitted an entry in one of our forums it is your responsibility to promote your entry thread(s) and reply to feedback.

1.10.1 You may not use methods regarded as spam or harassment to promote your entry.

11.1 Classic-Pirates.com and Eurobricks Staff directly involved in the organisation of this contest may enter in each division but are unable to win prizes.  Therefore voter points cannot be allocated to their entry.

11.1.1 Classic-Pirates.com and Eurobricks Staff directly involved in the organisation of this contest may not vote.

11.1.2 Eurobricks Staff with no involvement in the organisation of this contest may enter and vote.

MOC Forum Division – Building Contest

In this division entrants will create a MOC depicting a scene or vessel from any Pirates of the Caribbean movie.  For first prize entrants will have the choice of winning a NTSC Xbox 360 copy of Disney Interactive LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game or a the 4183 The Mill LEGO set.

2.1 All entries will be submitted to the Pirate MOC Forum hosted on Eurobricks

2.1.1 You are required to have a legitimate Eurobricks account and must not have previously been banned or currently suspended.  Creating additional accounts for the purpose of this contest will result in immediate banning.

2.1.2 You will create a unique thread for your entry.  For easy identification the thread title will be the name of your entry and the Topic Description will be “Pirates of the Caribbean Contest Entry”.  This Topic Description must be copied verbatim to ensure the thread is identified as an entry.

2.2 Upon submitting your entry you must specify whether you wish to win LEGO® Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game or the 4183 The Mill LEGO set.  You will not be able to change your mind at a later date.

2.2.1The NTSC version of the Xbox game is intended for use in USA, Canada and Japan.

2.2.2 We will not be held accountable if the game does not work in your console.

2.3 Your entry must be a creation unique to this contest.

2.4 The entries must be no larger than a 32×32 baseplate or 3 middle hull pieces for ships.  You may be disqualified if your entry exceeds the size limitations.

2.5 You have the choice of using either official LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean minifigures, sails and printed bricks, OR, you may use custom sails, strings and decals for flags and minifigure torsos.

2.5.1 You must not use a combination of official and custom elements or you will be disqualified.

2.5.2 If the design of the decals are not your own you must credit the designer.  Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

2.5.3 You must not use building elements from competing brands, LEGO compatible brands or imitation/counterfeit LEGO products.

2.6 You may use up to 5 images to present your entry.  Posting more than 5 images may result in disqualification.

2.6.1 Images must be no larger than 800 x 600 pixels.  Larger images may be removed and repeat offenses may result in disqualification.

2.6.2 You may not combine two or more images into a single image.

2.7 The winner will be determined by a vote at the end of the contest.

Mailing List Division

In this division entrants will write a short story (300 words or less) about the classic LEGO Pirates encountering the characters from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise.

For example: Jack Sparrow gets caught up in a sea battle between the Black Seas Barracuda captained by Redbeard and the Caribbean Clipper commanded by Governor Broadside.

3.1 This division will be a Classic-Pirates.com Mailing List exclusive.

3.1.1 To be eligible for a prize you must be subscribed to the Classic-Pirates.com Mailing List.

3.1.2 You must be able to identify your subscription Email address.

3.1.3 Subscribers who repeatedly subscribe and unsubscribe may be banned from the list indefinitely.

3.2 Entries must be Emailed to Contest@Classic-Pirates.com or have a unique thread created in the LEGO Pirates Discussion Forum.

3.2.1 For easy identification of forum entries the thread title will be the name of the story and the Topic Description will be “Pirates of the Caribbean Contest Entry”.

3.2.2 Your Topic Description must be copied verbatim to ensure the thread is identified as an entry.  Failure to do so may result in your entry being overlooked.

3.3 Entrants must use correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.  Points may be deducted for gross negligence and poor writing etiquette.

3.4 Entries must be submitted in English.  No translation will be provided for entries in other languages.

3.5 Entries must be no longer than 300 (three hundred) words.

3.6 Each entry may have one accompanying image.  This image maybe a photo of a MOC, a drawing, digital painting, etc.

3.6.1 Comics and picture books will not be accepted.  Additional images will be removed and repeat violations may result in disqualification.

3.6.2 Images must be no larger than 800 x 600 pixels.  Larger images may be removed and repeat offenses may result in disqualification.

3.7 The winner will be determined by a vote at the end of the contest.


5.1 This is not a sweepstake . To claim a prize you must have fulfilled the contest terms and conditions.

5.2 The prize winners will be determined by a majority forum user vote at the end of the contest.

5.4 Prizes are not exchangeable with other items or redeemable for cash.

5.5 If the terms of this promotion are not met, we are under no obligation to release any prizes in our prize inventory.

5.5.1 Unclaimed prizes may be reused in future promotions.

5.5.2. Prizes winners have 10 days after the prize winners announcement to claim their prize(s).  After 10 days any unclaimed prize(s) will be forfeited.


6.1 You will be granted 5 points for each division and may allocate them to the entries you deem worthy of winning.

6.1.1 More than one point can be awarded to the same entry, providing the combined total of points for each division does not exceed 5.

6.1.2 You may allocate 1 point per division to your own entry providing the remaining votes are allocated to one or more entries.

6.2 Voting will only take place in the LEGO Pirates Forum hosted on Eurobricks.

6.2.1 You MUST NOT register additional Eurobricks accounts or encourage friends, family, coworkers, etc.  to register Eurobricks accounts for the purpose of voting.  Doing so will void all infringing votes.

6.3 Classic-Pirates.com and Eurobricks staff will act as adjudicators and tally votes. Their decision is final.

6.3.1 If there are insufficient votes or too many illegitimate votes we will determine the winner.

Bonus Points

7.1 To claim your bonus point(s) you must be participating in the respective initiative and be able to verify your participation.

7.1.1 Falsifying your verification will result in disqualification from the contest and voting.

7.2 To claim your Picture Comment Challenge point you must have voted in the Picture Comment Challenge voting thread in accordance with the voting terms and conditions.

7.3 To claim your Facebook point you may be required to post a verification image on the Classic-Pirates.com Facebook Page wall.  This may be required one or more times throughout the contest.

7.4 To claim your Mailing List point you must be subscribed to the Classic-Priates.com Mailing List.  You may be required to Email a verification word from the Email which you subscribed to the list. This may be required one or more times throughout the contest.

7.5 If you stop participating in an initiative you will lose your bonus point for that initiative and not be granted the opportunity to re-verify.

7.6 If you are participating in all three initiatives you may allocate up to 2 points to your own entry, providing the third bonus point is allocated to another entry.   In this scenario all 3 bonus points must be used.

7.6.1 Failure to participate in any one initiative will invalidate all three of your bonus points.

7.6.2 You may only allocate a maximum of 2 bonus points to your own entry.

7.6.3 You cannot allocate more than 3 bonus points or 8 points in total.


8.1 Prizes will be shipped from Australia via international post.   Please allow up to 10 weeks for delivery.  We will not address any delivery concerns prior to the conclusion of the 10 week period.

8.2 While every effort will be taken to ensure prizes arrive in new condition, we will not take responsibility for theft, loss or damage incurred during transit.  Replacement parts, sets, instructions, or boxes will not be issued, nor any form of compensation offered.


If you are found to have violated any of the conditions you may be disqualified and lose claim to any voting points or prizes you may have won.  We reserve the right to ban your Eurobricks account, remove you from the mailing list, block your Facebook profile or ban your Email and/or IP addresses.

Participation in this contest is your acknowledgement you agree to these conditions, as well as, the Classic-Pirates.com Terms of Use and Disclaimer.

The decision of Classic-Pirates.com and Eurobricks staff is final and no recourse will be entered into.

If you do not agree to these terms and conditions you may not enter this contest.

21322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay LEGO set

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