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What have fans done to the Pirate Quartermaster Minifig? Part II

Welcome to Part II!

Those in the know, be aware we’ve rounded up all the fan photos of Pirate Quartermaster from Collectible Minifigure Series 27 and amassed a haul so gigantic we had to split the blinkin’ thing in twain.

So here be the next load of Quartermaster treats…

And if yer haven’t read Part I, yer best be doing that post haste!

Where to buy the Pirate Quartermaster Minifig

The Pirate Quartermaster minfigure and her Series 27 kin are available to purchase blind boxed via

LEGO Pirate Quartermaster from the HowBoutDatToyStore on eBay

They’re in stock at HowBoutDatToyStore on eBay

However, if yer wish avoid the lucky dip approach, read our suggestions for acquiring the Pirate Quatermaster directly from other merchants.

“Greetings from the Forbidden Island” by Henbricks_pirates

Re-imagining classic LEGO sets is a popular AFOL pastime.

It’s an opportunity for fans to inject tinglings of nostalgia with their own creative flare to produce something new, yet very familiar.

"Greetings from the Forbidden Island" by henbricks_pirates

Look! It’s another remake of 6270 Shark Island

Henbricks_pirates writes:

My own interpretation of the Forbidden Island set #6270, from 1989. my first pirate set ever and I loved it.☠️❤️

“Grace Read” by One_brick_tales

One_brick_tales decided to the give the Quartermaster a name… GraceGrace Read

But can Grace actually read?  Illiteracy was quite common back in the olden days.

"Grace Read" by one_brick_tales

She has a name! Or at the very least, an alias

One_brick_tales writes:

Grace Read, a new pirate enjoying the moment on a small island far away 🏴‍☠️🏝️

“New Crew Member! ☠️” by Rafdanzig

Rafdanzig has a very important question to ask…

"New Crew Member" by Rafdanzig

Don’t mess with these lasses!

Rafdanzig writes:

Pirate Quartermaster 🏴‍☠️🏴‍☠️
Would you like more photos with the female pirate crew?

Filip Taubner

Former Gift With Purchase set, LEGO® Friends 30635 Beach Cleanup be the inspiration for a couple of builds featuring our new Pirate Quartermaster friend.

Pirate Quartermaster and LEGO Friends 30635 Beach Cleanup photographed by Filip Taubner

What do yer think of the pirate version of 30635 Beach Cleanup?

Filip writes:

Lego 30635
Lego canon
Lego #27 series Minifig. – Pirate


The Pirate Quartermaster parades the 17th century streets at sunrise with cockatoo on full display.

Pirate Quartermaster photographed by Lukasdata

Or is the sun setting? Either way, magnificent lighting!

Lukasdata writes:

Mój nowy #legomoc idealnie pasuje do figurki piratki, zgadzacie się ?
My new #Legomoc fits the pirate figure perfectly, don’t you agree?

“Teal Pirate Gang” BRiCKST⭐️RS

"Teal Pirate Gang" by brickstarsofficial

It’s good to colour coordinate with yer crew

“A New Resident of Pirate Island” by Galaktyczne Klocki

21322 Barracuda Bay offered plenty of useful parts to enable fans to repurpose the set into pirate islands of their own design.

Such a large set left plenty of room to invite additional crew members.

"A new resident of Pirate Island" by Galaktyczne Klocki

How’s this for an alternate Barracuda Bay build?

Galaktyczne zooms in a bit… and offers the Pirate Quartermaster some refreshments…

Pirate Quartermaster at Barracuda Bay photographed by Galaktyczne Klocki

Cheers to arriving at Barracuda Bay! After the furniture was rearranged

“New Girl in Tortuga!” by captain_brixx

Inspired by a popular social media meme, here be a couple of shots from captain_brixx playing with depth of field.

Dedicated fans shall observe 1795 Imperial Cannon making a sneaky cameo in the background.


What happens when your cockatoo flies dangerously close to an Imperial installation?

legocounty demonstrates a devious means of evading the sentry.

Simply distract him with your feathered friend, beat him over the head whilst he’s looking in the opposite direction, and waltz right in!


Here be a couple of shots from classic_lego_builds boasting striking colours.

Apparently Captain Roger Redbeard had dalliances with the Pirate Quartermaster.. sometime before she embarked on a time traveling adventure.

Johann Deffert

Delusion Brick hasn’t been the only fan to welcome the Quartermaster aboard.

Upon this ship she has a good many more crew members to service.

Crew with Quartermaster photographed by Johann Deffert

This ship is well crewed – spot the Swashbuckler from Series 12

“The Pirate Crew has Gained a New Quartermaster” by Klockotwory

The quartermaster be a crucial role onboard a pirate ship, making sure all is smooth sailing.

The position be like a manager, mediator, and enforcer all rolled into one!


🇬🇧 The pirate crew has gained a new quartermaster. Plus 10 for work organization. The LEGO minifigure from the latest series works fine, but I have ideas for modifications.

🇵🇱 Załoga piratów powiększyła się o nową kwatermistrzynię. Plus 10 do organizacji pracy. LEGO minifigurka z najnowszej serii daje radę, ale mam pomysły na modyfikację.

A very valuable crew member if yer wish to ensure efficiency on long voyages.

“Sparrow and Girl Pirate” by legopiratas

legopiratas shows us a brush the Pirate Quartermaster had with celebrity pirate, Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Sparrow and Girl Pirate" by legopiratas

This is the day you will always remember as the day you caught Captain Jack Sparrow on camera

“Second in Command” by Peter Tuann

As a swift riposte to Kurt’s LEGO Friends conversion, Peter offered his own story for the Pirate Quatermaster.

Peter writes:

NO!!!!! the quartermaster was the second in command, he is responsible for lodgings, food, ammo, weapons, procurement, rum, gunpowder, wood, repair equipment, water supply, etc.

Pirates had scouts, boarding party, snipers, gunnery crew, repair crew, galley crew, but somebody had to be in charge of provisions.

Not entirely certain how that rationale relates to a beach cleanup, nonetheless it be a rather compelling response!

“I wonder what treasures I’ll find inside” by thebrickpost and theminifigurepost

Some fine photography never goes astray! Snapping LEGO in outdoor environments under natural light brings a certain aesthetic to the presentation.

thebrickpost and theminifigurepost have whipped the camera out to deliver us this nifty scene…

"I wonder what treasures I'll find inside" by thebrickpost

Little did the Quartermaster know the chest was full of crackers for the cockatoo

thebrickpost writes:

I wonder what treasures I’ll find inside?”
The recently released LEGO Series 27 CMFs are great fun and getting outdoors once again to take photographs is back on the cards. Here is the Pirate Quartermaster character.
Head over to (link in bio) for more LEGO and Brick related news, reviews and more!

What Do Yer Think?

How does the Part II selection compare to Part I?

Have fans reached their creative potential with the Pirate Quartermaster minifigure?

Steve and Pirate Quartermaster drinking tea

What’s better than one quartermaster? TWO quartermasters!

Or be there further ideas to explore? Which famous LEGO Pirate minifigures could she meet next?

To Be Continued…

What?  How could there possibly be more glorious photos of the Pirate Quartermaster?  Well, what can we say…

She’s captured the hearts and cameras of many a fan!

Steve and Pirate Quartermaster aboard The Cutter

Thar be rum in that teapot!

So, which photos of the Pirate Quartermaster should we include in Part III?

Share them in the:

Or post them to yer own socials and then tag @ClassicPirates on Facebook and Instagram.

Buy a Pirate Quartermaster!

It’s been almost 2 months since the release – have yer acquired the new Pirate Quartermaster minifigure yet?

Or yer still on the fence despite all this fantastic imagery?

How many Quartermaster minifigs will you buy?

Learn more about the official minifig

Pirate Quartermaster - Collectable Minifigure Series 27

Buy a Series 27 minifig today!


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