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What have fans done to the Pirate Quartermaster Minifig? Part I

The Pirate Quartermaster from Collectible Minifigure Series 27 set sail globally upon the 1st of February, 2025.

But as we know, she’s been navigating towards the welcoming arms of fans since 2025 commenced.

And they’re none to shy about flaunting how they’ve welcomed her into their LEGO collections…

The deluge of photos be soooo bountiful, we’ve had to slice this here article into two parts!

Now, let’s cast our spyglasses upon the fan creativity featuring the Pirate Quartermaster minifigure

Where to buy the Pirate Quartermaster Minifig

But first a word from our sponsors…

Australians all let us rejoice for the Pirate Quartermaster minfigure is young and free in southerly waters!

Along with the rest of Series 27, she now be available at reputable trading posts down under.

"Pirate Quartermaster" by FablesFinds

FablesFinds provides us with the basic presentation

So if yer haven’t acquired this flamboyantly frocked fig – don’t miss yer chance!

She won’t be sailing the brick seas forever!

Other Merchants

If yer procuring these minifigs via, ye best be prepared for a surprise – coz it aint possible to choose which colourful character yer inviting aboard.

LEGO 71048 Series 27 Collectible Minifigures Complete Set of 12 photographed by relaxbrick

Buy the complete set of 12 minifigures elsewhere

So if purchasing blind boxed minfigures ain’t yer forte, be sure to read our suggestions for acquiring the Pirate Quartermaster from other merchants… and with greater precision – there’s even a mobile app what detects which minfig lurks within the box!

“Beware these Pirate Ladies!” by captain_brixx

Captain_brixx has embraced the Pirate Quartermaster in a variety of clever creations.

So where better to begin than with simple build inspired by the promotional set, 1492 Battle Cove, which displays the Pirate Quartermaster adjacent, Anne, the very first female LEGO Pirate minifigure.

"Beware these Pirate Ladies" by captain_brixx

Pirate lasses and their buzzards from different generations

captain_brixx writes:

The pirate Lady has been boarding ships since 1989 and was one of the first figs to have printed make-up on her minihead. Since 1989 the style of pirate Ladies has changed a lot. Here you can see two others: a renewed print of the 1989 fig from 2023 (set 10320) and the quartermaster from 2025 (CMF27). Who‘s your favorite pirate lady?

“Build-A-Minifigure Pack CMF Series 27 Edition” by Kolonialbeamterdemartinez

Kolonial Beamter de Martinez kissed 2024 goodbye by presenting his favourite Series 27 characters Build A Minifigure-style.

"Build-A-Minifigure Pack - CMF Series 27 Edition" by Kolinial Beamter Martinez

The Quartermaster and Beastmaster are almost a given… but the Steampunk Inventor also be a strong contender

The Kolonial writes:

If Lego were everything, the year couldn’t end better! 🤩
My favorite build-a-minifigure-pack CMF series 27 edition! #mybam3

I was undecided about third place between Bogeyman, Jetpack Racer and Steampunk Inventor.

Would you have chosen the same?

Enjoy and see you soon in 2025!

“Pirate Family” by pablo_afol

"Pirate Family" by pablo_afol

Collectible minifigures are capable of breeding

“Golden Frog” by Rafał Chojnacki

Every good pirate needs a ship! Well, granted a Quartermaster be vital to a larger crew, but on weekends and public holidays they go solo and command their own recreational vessels.

Heavily stolen from Marooned Marin’s Warty Crab, Rafał lets the Quartermaster set sail in the “Golden Frog“.

Rafał writes:

New pirate quartermaster girl needs a ship, so i build her one. Design is “heavily inspired” (read: stolen) from Warty Crab by Marooned Marin, and i didnt make sails yet. My playability tester (6yo) loves the ship 🙂

“Pirates-Treasure-Cave” by pulp_bricktion

Back in the days of yore, pirates laboriously dug holes, hidden upon desert island to shove their precious booty.

Then, came the arduous task of drawing up a cryptic treasure map to ensure their blasted haul could be located again.

"Pirates-Treasure-Cave" by pulp_bricktion

pulp_bricktion has created a nice hole for her booty

But why to go to such effort when you can find a cave?

A cave is essentially a pre-dug hole, saving many hours of strenuous work. Just deposit your treasure as needed, with no additional costs excavation!

“Habitats for CMF Series 27: Constraints That Spark Imagination” by ABrickDreamer

Originally published in an article by Dave Schefcik on; be this habitat was crafted by Italian AFOL, Davide Sacramati, aka ABrickDreamer.

Minifigure Habitat for Pirate Quartermaster by ABrickDreamer

Those flaking white plastered walls look suspiciously imperial

ABrickDreamer writes:

With Series 27, the first set of three was quite obvious for me—I will call it “Fan Favorites,” as I guess these will be the most sought-after minifigures: Wolfpack Beastmaster, Pirate Quartermaster, and Steampunk Inventor […]

A pirate island with a tide and shoreline made for a nice contrast to the habitat for the Beastmaster. The pirate island also needed a blue sky backdrop. Skies in habitats are often a bit boring and require lighter shades of blue, of which I don’t have much in my inventory. To help reduce the use of blue bricks, I used a printed 2x5x6 wall brick that fits the theme and saved me some parts.

You can digest ABrickDreamer’s full commentary over on or follow him via Instagram.

“Sisters” by Wietse Heremans

Wietse dabbled with some fleshtone minifigure parts…

"Sisters" by Wietse Heremans

Sisters from different misters… we’re referring to hairstylists

Wietse writes:

☠️ Sisters. Not by birth, by occupation.☠️

(and by coiffure)

More of my work on Instagram:

“Captain’s hanging on the hook!” by captain_brixx

In this rollicking scene, Captain_brixx has engaged the services of the Pirate Quartermaster in a creation named “Der Käpt‘n hängt am Haken!”

Create especially for the 25schnur Challenge hosted by GermanBricksCollab, in which creations should resolve around a central string.

Captain_brixx writes:

My entry for the #gbc_25schnur challenge by @germanbrickscollab, where a string should be a center piece.

Have a look at the other pictures too! / Schaut euch unter dem Hashtag auch die anderen Bilder an!

And like many captain_brixx creations, an official LEGO Pirates set is woven into the background, this time 10320 Eldorado Fortress.

Vaggelis Ntezes

Not everyone chooses to display Collectible Minifigures in their factory configuration.

Vaggelis Ntezes (also known as Delusion Brick) has made a few minor adjustments…

Pirate Quartermaster photographed by Delusion Brick

The Quartermaster spent many hours at the hairstylist before this photo

Vaggelis swapped heads and hairpiece to the more traditional tricorn with ponytail piece.

Some fans be grumbling that’s been done one time too many in recent female pirate minifigures, but the great power of LEGO be customisation options are aplenty, and easily implemented!

“Stairway to Nowhere” by Brick_brickson

An ominous build to be sure!

But what reason the Pirate Quartermaster be landing upon an isle awash in the glow of a scarlet sunset, with a stairway swarming with undead Indigo Islanders?

"Stairway to Nowhere" by brick_brickson

Now we know what happened to Kahuka

Brick_brickson be offering us just one solitary photo and no rationale behind this here magnificent creation.

Looks like we’ll need to invent their own backstory for the Quartermaster’s predicament!

Or maybe Mister Brickson will build a prequel MOC by the time Part II of this article rolls around…

Tobi Putzo

Tobi’s Pirate Quartermaster has sought refuge at Barracuda Bay.

Pirate Quartermaster at 21322 Barracuda Bay photographed by Tobi Putzo

Spot the Pirate Quartermaster!

“Series 20 + 27 Mashup” by James Calder

Max n’ match!  James Calder of Ogre Bricks borrowed parts from Series 21’s Pirate Girl, then applied them to Series 27’s Quartermaster.

Slapped on the tricorn/ponytail piece from the 2022 Build A Minifigure pirate, and topped with the pistol  from the Series 17 Highwayman.

And voila!

"Collectible Minifigures Series 20 + 27 Mash-up" by James Calder

I was a highway woman with sword and pistol by my side

James writes:

“If you be a pirate, show me yer booty!”

Just a minor mashup so far. Series 20 + 27, plus the BAM hat/hair, and a pistol ‘liberated’ from the series 17 Highwayman. 😁

“The Party’s Already Getting Started on Galen’s Row!” by Fourbrickstall

The Wolfpack Beastmaster be another fan favourite of Collectible Minifigures Series 27.

Thus it’s only natural that the two masters get together to imbibe some grog to bring in the new year.

Fourbrickstall writes:

The party’s already getting started on Galen’s Row! Cheers to a New Year!

Featuring Pirate Quartermaster, Wolfpack Beastmaster, a Wolfpack robber, and the Goblin King.

The former two are in the CMF Series 27 which you’ll find in LEGO stores in a couple of days.

“LEGO® Friends Pirate Makeover!” by Kurt Faust Mayer

As typically be the case; a fan creation was stolen borrowed for the blog post’s Featured Image, this time courtesy of Kurt Faust Mayer.

Like the title suggests, the build is inspired by the official LEGO set, 30635 Beach Cleanup.

"LEGO® Friends Pirate Makeover" by Kurt Faust Mayer

Small pirate sets would make great Gift With Purchases, wouldn’t they?

Kurt writes:

I took the LEGO® Friends 30635 Beach Cleanup set and gave it a pirate twist with one OG version!

With the new quartermaster CMF leading the way, the humble cleanup crew is now a fearsome seafaring team on a quest for treasure. ☠️⚓

What would you say if lego make such a polybag ?

Aye, what would ye say if The LEGO Group released small pirate sets in polybags?

Even if they were only Gift With Purchase exclusives?

Follow leogio.bricks on Instagram for more great historical LEGO creations.

What Do Yer Think?

Have fans put the Pirate Quartermaster minifigure to good use?

There’s still a cargo hold full of images to come!

To Be Continued…

Which notable photos involving the Pirate Quartermaster minifigure should be included in Part II?

Got photos? Share them in the:

Or upload images to yer own socials and then tag @ClassicPirates on Facebook and Instagram.

Buy One! Two! Three! Or more!

Have yer acquired the new Pirate Quartermaster minifigure?

Or are yer gonna give this lass a miss?

How many Quartermaster minifigs will you buy?

Learn more about the official minifig

Pirate Quartermaster - Collectable Minifigure Series 27

Buy a Series 27 minifig today!


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