This be yer reminder that the BrickLink Designer Program Series 8 Questions & Answers Webinar will be held on 24 March, 2025 at 10AM Pacific time
Don’t miss the latest BrickLink Designer Program updates, along with the opportunity to fire all yer Series 8 questions at Project Manager, Alex…
If the embedded video above ain’t appearing, head over to YouTube.
Official Announcement
The official webinar page states:
Learn about the Submission Guidelines for BrickLink Designer Program: Series 8 as Alex, BDP Project Manager, covers updates and common questions. Aspiring fan designers ask questions and get clarification to some of the nuances of various guidelines.
Righty-ho-ho! Study the Series 8 overview and prepare a list of questions to fill any gaps in yer knowledge…
Then head over to the webinar page on YouTube and click the notification bell.
Successful Pirate Designs
At the time scribing this communiqué, thrice hath a pirate-themed design passed the BrickLink Designer Team’s sharp-eyed scrutiny.
- Privateer Frigate Fortuna by Brickperfection
- The Thieves of Tortuga by Krackenator
- Ominous Isle by Jazlecraz
The above submissions were granted passage to the Crowfunding / pre-order phase – will YOUR design be number four?
What Do Yer Think?
Will you be attending the Series 8 Webinar?
And be there anything yer dying to know about the BrickLink Designer Program?

Find the notification bell in the lower-left of the webinar video
Tell the Classic Pirates yer BrickLinky plans!
Here be the countdown ’til the webinar weighs anchor:
So, if yer attend on March 24, spill the beans and inform us how it went in the LEGO Pirates Forum.