The Return of the Classic Pirates was an engaging contest, resulting in fierce competition among its many great submissions. Just like the Indigo Islanders, the blue coat Soldier enjoyed considerable popularity, with remakes of two early Soldier forts claiming the second and third positions of the Main Building category.
This prompts us to wonder; what’s the most important aspect of MOCs inspired by classic sets? Is it the nostalgia? The attention to detail? Or both? Besides, who doesn’t love superbly executed remakes of these timeless sets?
In the second place position, “Saber Island 2023” by TomSkippy exudes the best of both worlds; it expands upon the original set, taking it from just 96 pieces to a whopping 948 pieces, as it fleshes out the nuances, while maintaining the original’s charm.
TomSkippy writes:
As I was thinking through different entries for the contest, I thought, “why not take a break and make a small moc that just clones a modern Lego Co technique?” 6265 Saber Island came to mind. I could just copy one of the tower builds from the new Disney castle. The set is 90% tower, it shouldn’t take long.
Side note: The set looks even better with physical bricks. It’s nice and imposing (didn’t want to spend booty on color coordinating everything, but it’s solid!
Let me know what you think!

The dirty laundry supplies have arrived – good thing they didn’t get lost at sea…
And isn’t it crazy how this build employs similar techniques to 43222 Disney Castle yet succeeds to be a radically different build?
But how good does it look in real life asks you? You’ll never know until you build it yourself! If you’re a fan of Soldiers, or even if you’re just a LEGO fan in general, the building instructions are available on Rebrickable so you can build your very own version. Give it a go!

A soldier just earned a bag of smelly long jonhns gold coins for all his hard work! Definitely worth the effort and he is ecstatic with happiness!

They keep insubordinate soldiers in the basement along with the spare swords

What a breathtaking view!

Isn’t this box art just amazing? Governor Broadside would be thrilled!
If only this was an official LEGO set…
The Original 6265 Saber Island
As you may observe, TomSkippy’s recreation utilises more advanced building techniques than the original and offers more intricate detail and features.
Nonetheless, the original is an undisputed classic; released as the first small fort within the LEGO Pirates theme, priced around the US$15 (that’s US$36.95 in 2023 when adjusted for inflation) but you’d never come close to that low price these days on the secondhand market.
Also known by the name of Governor’s Bastion, this charming little tower fort includes a printed base plate, both large and small Soldier flag pieces, a palm tree (the kind you build from smaller pieces), a red dinghy, a cannon with 6 cannon balls, three white castle wall pieces (one with printed weathering to reveal bricks) and some lovely lattice.
It also includes a generous three minifigures; a commander and two soldiers, accessorised with muskets, a pistol, sabres, headwear (shakos/tricorn) and epaulettes. And let’s not forget the commander be one of the first minfigures to use a head piece with printed facial hair.
During early 2023, Brickset conducted a poll to determine which classic LEGO set fans would like to see reimagined as a Gift With Purchase. More than 4,500 votes were cast with Sabre Island arriving in the number 1 position.
Despite the poll’s unofficial status, many fans hoped it would prognosticate future releases and result in an updated Sabre Island to compliment the new 10320 Eldorado Fortress… but alas! A pirate-themed Gift With Purchase eventually sailed our way, but it didn’t tickle the fans’ desires in the manner Sabre Island would!
What was the Return of the Classic Pirates Contest?
T’was a promotional initiative to inform the world the Classic Pirates have returned!
The Return of the Classic Pirates Contest held between June and September, 2023, was a joint venture between Eurobricks and which entrants tasked to build a new LEGO set concept. Their creation could be rendered in the style of the classic 80s and 90s sets, or post-2020 modern sets like 21322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay.
The contest was divided into two categories; a Main Building Category and a Mini Set Category.
The Main Building Category offered three prizes; including a 10320 Eldorado Fortress for first place, a set to the value of 70€ for second place, and a set to the value of 35€ for third place.
The first place winner of the Mini Set Category, “King Kahuka’s Outrigger Boat” by Kritch also won a set to the value of 35€
About the Builder…
TomSkippy is a regular contributor to the LEGO Pirates Forum. He’s especially good at reimagining classic LEGO sets, whether they be Pirates or even Classic Space. He also participates in Brethren of the Brick Seas and is great at building anything related to Pirates in general, as observed in his Flickr stream.
If you enjoy his builds and would like to support his work, be sure to rummage through his Rebrickable profile, where hopefully one day there be more building instructions available!
What Do Yer Think?
The Return of Classic Pirates contest attracted many great builds, yet only three could be selected as winners. Saber Island 2023 was definitely a fantastic entry and worthy of second place, but were there other builds that have been overlooked?
Did TomSkippy hit the nail on the head with Saber Island 2023? Or be there more he could have done to make it even better?
Head over to LEGO Pirates Forum and tell us what yer think!