During the 18th century, a peaceful colony of settlers enjoying the island treasures they discovered suddenly had their serenity interrupted. The invaders called themselves the LEGO Pirates of the Sea!
Gold seeking Pirates had become such a problem for Governor Broadside and the other settlers, most notably SleeplessNight (a local carpenter and expert brick mason) forcing them to strengthen many of their existing settlements.
Using new building techniques and cutting edge technology of the time, one such fortified settlement soon became widely known as the Lagoon Lock-Up (Revisited).

Welcome to the Lagoon Lock-Up! If ye be Pirate, you can check-out any time you want, but you can never leave.
SleeplessNight writes:
Some time ago I thought it would be cool to have a modular pirate-era town. I also wanted to remake one of the all-time best LEGO sets, namely Lagoon Lock-Up. And so this project came to being.
Welcome to the pirate-era modular town! The buildings include an armory, harbor master’s office, a lockup and a gateway to the town.
The layout can be rearranged in a few ways, while retaining full functionality. Floors can be taken off and back walls removed for better access or in order to display interiors.
6267 Lagoon Lock-Up is one of the all time favourite sets inside the Classic LEGO community. A set which has been reimagined dozens of times, and as some of our loyal readers may recall, one exceptionally lovely remake was crafted by Master0889.
Where Master0889 endeavored to stay true to the size of the original set, SleeplessNight sailed in the opposite direction and completely re-envisioned our favourite little goal by the sea!
The Backstory
For decades this small port on the lagoon remained derelict. But then, with renewed interest in local trade routes, great efforts were made to refurbish buildings and the waterfront.

While the majority of images used here are digital renders, don’t think for a second that this design went up untested on the Rebrickable. Here is the photo of the physical build, and oh my… look at that gorgeous pier!
The fortifications were strengthened with the addition of a new observation turret. The Harbor Master’s Office was erected. Beautiful, intricate pavements were laid to herald new era of prosperity.
And just when everything seemed to be smooth sailing, the peace was disrupted yet again by the infamous pirate who goes by the name of Captain Redbeard and his dreaded ship – the Black Seas Barracuda.

Undoubtedly the most dangerous person in this settlement. You simply don’t wear that kind of shirt unless people already fear you.
The Build

SleeplessNight found normal Modulars too large and incompatible with a harbour setting, so he opted for a 6×6 module, in which each building’s width is a multiplication of this module.

The same building can be placed in a row or on a corner and it still works because the side walls have sufficient detail. The floors and back walls can be removed for improved access.

The inside of the harbor master’s office, where the man himself is busy paper pushing with important officer work.

Not only does SleeplessNight excel in building design, but he also shows quite a talent in furniture design.

So many rich details are packed in this build, for instance observe the fence of the guard terrace on the right. Can you name all the used pieces?

As you can see the SleeplessNight also invested heavily in tiling, because rumor has it that studs are outdated.
As noted by the experts inside the LEGO Pirates forum, the only issue with this set is the jail is the only room with an actual bed! There really is no justice in this world…
Fun fact! Lagoon Lockup was known as Soldiers Tavern in the UK and various other regions. The blue and red striped awning on the larger structure on the left was to represent a galley or a very modest restaurant.
Sabre Island Revisited
SleeplessNight continues:
This set will look especially good, when displayed next to the original Lego 21322 “Pirates of Barracuda Bay”.
You may also consider adding my other MOC, “Sabre Island A.D. 2021“

Just imagine being a kid and having these two sets! Darn you SleeplessNight, where were you thirty years ago 🙂
Troublesome Neighbours

It wasn’t long until some thugs decided to allocate their shady assets in real estate… a common theme of every nice neighbourhood, and of course they built it all without the permit!

Now would be a good time for easily bribed Imperial officials to pay them a visit… Or else questionable characters like this will overrun a once nice and civilised settlement.
About the Builder…
SleeplessNight hails from Warsaw, Poland. As the name suggests, between juggling his job, kids and family, books and other hobbies, his favourite activity is designing beautiful creations during the wee hours when he feels most inspired to undertake the strenuous creative work.
He prefers to work first in digital form using the BrickLink Studio, and then progresses to real bricks for his test-builds. While his favourite theme is Castle Pirates, he also enjoys crossing over to the Castle theme. It should not come as a surprise that SleeplessNight is also a member of the LEGO Ideas rejected 10K Club, where all talented 10K builders like him provide valuable insights about their brick passion in an interview.
You can find him on almost all social media platforms where he regularly shares his brilliant ideas:
If you are interested in obtaining building instructions, you can do so by visiting his Rebrickable profile.
What do you think of SleeplessNight’s rendition of Lagoon Lockup? Has he improved upon the original concept? Or has he taken it so far off course it’s completely unrecognisable? Either way, have you read our post about his Sabre Island remake?
Until the next Classic-Pirates blog post, we invite you to visit the LEGO Pirates MOC subforum and give us your two pieces of eight on the Lagoon Lock-Up Revisited by clicking the enticing, red shiny button below.