Pirate MOCs


“Treasure Cove” by Jack Sassy

Jack Sassy may be the New Kid on the Boat (in other words he blogs for Classic-Pirates.com now), but he’s had a rather long affiliation with LEGO Pirates.

So he’s no stranger to whipping up nifty little MOCs like “Treasure Cove” which looks something akin to the Pirates of the Caribbean sets released back in 2011. Think along the lines of 4181 Isla De Muerta only with slightly less detail.

Jack Sassy writes:

Ahoy, everyone,

Today I present to you my newest MOC and also my first topic on this site – Treasure Cove.

Thank you for your time to read this post and tell me what ye think about this build, criticism is always open to a certain point.

Jack Sassy

The back of "Treasure Cove"

The back of it…

Top down view of "Treasure Cove"

Looking down  you get a complete overview of the cove

The Story

The two characters established here are Albert Van Der Graff, a noble Dutch pirate sailing in the West Indies during the early 18th century, and his comrade, helmsman – John Bones. Together they have sailed into this dark cove to find a lost treasure which could be worth a few dozen reales. While maybe before there were some natives guarding the place before, nowadays it seems they all have disappeared, the only evidence of their presence are the poor souls who tried getting the treasure for themselves.

Two LEGO Pirates minifigures in a boat

Is that Albert rowing? or John?

A LEGO Pirate mooring a boat

Mooring the boat to the “jetty” – if that plank counts as a jetty

A LEGO Pirate boat moored to a dock

It’s secured good and tight as they embark on their adventure

Two LEGO Pirate Minifigures at Treasure Cove

Hey! Look! The treasure is on that unconcealed shelf about 3 feet away…

The adventure beings… Albert and John begin their quest, determined to find the treasure at all costs!  Equipped with a lantern (not that there’s much of a cave to explore) and an axe (won’t be much use for that either given there’s no foliage or protection concealing the treasure) they will not fail their mission!

LEGO Pirate Skeleton at Treasure Cove

Who might that poor unfortunate soul be? Is it Captain Jack Sparrow? Well, it’s not Ironhook because he doesn’t have a hook.

LEGO Pirate Skeleton stabbed by cutlass

If yer ran someone through with yer blade, yer’d remember to reclaim yer blade, wouldn’t yer?

An arch at Treasure Cove

So is that yellow thing supposed to be gold?

A pair of red LEGO jewels

Behold! The treasure! A pair of sapphires with mystical powers!

The treasure itself is a bit of a cheap trade seeing as it’s only a couple of red crystals… but sold to the right person… one might be able to buy themselves a proper vessel.

The rear of "Treasure Cove"

It would probably be a better treasure cave if it was concealed with a vine or something…

Blue base plates where boat is placed

And this is how everything holds together….

After removing the rowboat, the water blue base plates are revealed, however Jack did not see fit to connect these plates otherwise “there wouldn’t be a place for the boat“…  Now we’re uncertain why that is, because from our understanding, the boat sits on top of the plates.

Knowing this wonderful engineering feat, wouldn’t it be fun to pick this MOC when you needed to relocate it?

About the Builder…

Jack Sassy has been sailing around the LEGO Pirates Forum for some time now and has recently been press-ganged recruited to the Classic Pirates Blogging Crew so be sure to check out his Blog Post on Crown Dominion Fortress.

He’s also an accomplished builder with a Flickr account filled with glorious MOCs, so make that be your next stop!

And if you’re compelled to discuss “Treasure Cove” with the Classic Pirates and Jack Sassy himself, hit the red discussion button below.


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