During March 2024 our shipmate Zsolti (MyFirstMOC) entered this superb desert island creation into a contest known as The 24 Challenge.
The objective was to build a mini LEGO creation using 24 pieces (or less) with the opportunity to win minifigure prizes.
While Zsolti nailed the objective from a piratical perspective, did he succeed in claiming the loot? Let’s find out!
MyFirstMOC writes:
Here be both the English and Hungarian translations
My latest MOC, which was made for a challenge but unfortunately didn’t make the top 3. That said, I did make the instructions for it, although it’s not a complicated kit
Legújabb MOC-om, amely egy kihívásra készült, de sajnos nem került be a top3-ba. Ettől függetlenül elkészítettem hozzá az instrukciót is, bár nem egy bonyolult készlet.
Ah well, that’s unfortunate – no prize for Zsolti but this IS a gain for LEGO Pirate fans!
For you see; this build would make a fantastic official LEGO Pirate set… yer know those wee sets like 6235 Buried Treasure? They were labelled “Impulse sets” back in the mid 2000s… Cost less than 5 bucks! Great fun! Great value!

6232 Skeleton Crew photographed by SpongeBrickpl
“Lonely Island” draws parallels to the official set, 6232 Skeleton Crew which was released in 1996 and contains a mere 17 parts.
Zsolti has re-imagined the concept with modern elements and palette, and while it may not include a second minifigure or rare Imperial Armada morion piece, it works extremely well as a small LEGO set.
Now, here’s the good news for LEGO Pirate fans…
Building Instructions
Zsolti has made building instructions FREELY available so you too may enjoy the wonder of this creation!
Here be a taste of what yer can expect:

Building instructions of a professional caliber enable you to create Lonely Island for yourself
You can locate the complete instructions in this carousel Instagram post – just be sure to navigate to the second image because that’s where the instructions begin.
MyFirstMOC elaborates:
My latest MOC, created for a small challenge. The theme is Island. But in total, this little project could only consist of 24 elements. Of course, this includes all the accessories for the figure. Here I definitely took inspiration from the Pirates of the Caribbean movie, because there was one where Jack Sparrow was dropped off on an island with a gun, a compass and some rum. In this case, this little guy didn’t survive. I could imagine it as a polybag set.
About the Builder…
MyFirstMOC (or Zsolti as he be known to some) is Hungarian-based visual artist who amazes his followers on Instagram, Flickr and Facebook with skillfully crafted digital builds across a variety of themes… although there be large a helping of LEGO Pirates among them.
The Classic Pirates have previously covered his 6260 Shipwreck Island Remake and Fortress of Hunyadi creations.
He also takes the occasional stab at becoming a 10K Club on LEGO Ideas so follow his LEGO Ideas profile. Then yer will be ready to spring into action and vote every time he submits a LEGO Pirate creation!
While X marks the spot, he appears to appears to have jumped ship on his X account as there be nary an update since December 2021. And if you appreciate those virtual build videos in which the creations assemble themselves, his YouTube Channel has some nifty overviews of his LEGO Ideas submissions.
What Do Yer Think?
Do you think “Lonely Island” should have won a prize in The 24 Challenge? Would approach this diminutive skeleton island concept differently?
Or will you be reviewing the instructions and building it for yerself?
Well, once you’ve done that, sail by the LEGO Pirates Forum and Classic Pirates Facebook Group to share your photos and buccaneering thoughts.