Evancelt has been at it again! And by that we mean he’s built another excellent creation for Brethren of the Seas. This time a bunch of Imperial Guard officers are guzzling booze and getting wasted in the name of Corrington and the Queen… and all that. Oh look! they even have humble pie too.
So swing by the LEGO Pirates Forum and they might share their pie with you. They might not. You won’t know until you get there.
The Story
A Terraversan peace agreement had been reached with Oleon, and a large portion of the Corlander expeditionary forces stationed in Westface were beginning to withdraw to points across the Brick Seas.
Colonel Allcock had decided to stay in Westface with the remaining soldiers for the time being to assist L’Olius in establishing the new Commonwealth, and to justify the free trade agreement Corrington enjoyed with the new state.
Before the commanders of the departing forces set sail, Allcock invited them to the inn where he kept rooms to share in a celebratory toast and meat pies.

In attendance were Colonel Allcock, Major Brickford, Lord Spud, Don Isaac Montoya, Captain Brickleton, Captain Cooke, and Captain Redding
Colonel Allcock led a toast: “To the new Commonwealth of Terraversa! To the Queen! To Corrington!”
Evan writes:
OOC: Wanted to try a build with dark brown accents – hadn’t tried that before
Licensed as a large artisan in Westface
About the Builder…
Evancelt is a prolific builder who has earned the special MOC Expert tag for his contributions to the Eurobricks Forums. Evan is a regular contributor to both the LEGO Pirates MOC Subforum and Brethren of the Brick Seas, constantly impressing audiences with his unique and often humourous creations. Oh, and he’s prestigious enough to have his own website too, so spare a few moments to check that out as well as you can learn about all cool Duplo pirate ships which have been released over the years.