Evancelt, one of Brethren of the Brick Seas most prestigious MOC Experts who specializing in Duplo and playing around with minifigures cannot be stopped! As the epic Brick Seas war rages, Evan pries into the conflict between Corrington and the Lotii, complete with exclusive behind the scenes photography.
Yes, you get to see his lighting setup…
The Story
With Major Brickford away leading the expeditionary forces on Terraversa with Colonel Allcock, Captain Keats was left in charge of the fledging settlement at Brickford Landing.
When Keats heard shots to the east, he hurriedly loaded his pistol and rallied nearby men to accompany him in the direction of the sound. As much of Brickford Landing was still dense jungle, the beach provided the easiest route of travel.
Coming upon two of his men, the Captain asked for a report. He learned that two unknown men in plainclothes had been sneaking along the edge of the eastern picket. Corlander forces had asked them to identify themselves and the men had fired upon them. The Corrington men returned fire, killing one of the assailants and wounding the other, who they now had under guard.
Following an initial attempt at interrogation, it became clear the prisoner didn’t speak much of the Corlander tongue. Bringing in a villager to help translate, Captain Keats could tell from the translated questions that the man spoke Lotii natively.
What were the Lotii doing scouting out Brickford Landing? Keats immediately tripled the perimeter guard.

That poor browncoat…

The Redcoats are done resting in the jungle practicing so they can prevent unwanted guests from entering when needed.

One sad Imperial Guard… He should be happy now they have a prisoner

The angry Browncoat wants to escape… but the odds are stacked against him.
Evancelt writes:
OOC: I wanted to bring attention back to the fact that Corrington is still at war with the Lotii, and figured this would be a fun way.
Also wanted to use two new KTown Bricks minifigs I got recently: a redcoat officer and a browncoat
I’m a big fan of ring lights for providing easy cheap lighting for photos. One downside of them is sometimes a ring-shaped glare appears on the subject! This time I tried using masking tape to attach printer paper to the ring lights and that helped diffuse the light (and light shape!) further.

Take a sneak peak at Evancelt’s room… look at that comfortable sofa! The Studio
About the Builder…
Ah yes, the legendary Evancelt – that name sure does come up a lot, doesn’t it? We don’t even know if he pronounces it “Evan-selt” or “Evan-kelt”. Regardless, you should be impressed by his steady output of creations which often masterfully employ Duplo elements. Yes, that’s right, he steals his kids’ toys!
You can connect with Evan via Instagram and Flickr where you’ll be treated to more of masterful builds (which may or may not incorporate Duplo). And then there’s his website which showcases his builds relating to Brethren of the Brick Seas.
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