Did you know the Imperial Guards have a sweet tooth? That’s right, gimme some sugar baby because this is where it comes from! The redcoats process all their raw sugar cane at The Crimson Mill in Westface and where it goes after that, you’ll have to read the story below to find out. It doesn’t mention anything of Admiral Woodhouse’s sugar addiction mind you.
Ayrlego brings us another fine MOC for Brethren of the Brick Seas which is not just a mill, but also provides office space on the upper floors. No mention of how much rent costs, but it’s no doubt a few golden doubloons each week.
The Story
As tensions slowly have calmed down after the abortive attack on Tarlor and signing of the treaty of Pamu, Colonel Dirk Allcock has found himself busy in Westface liaising with L’Olius on the creation of the Commonwealth of Terraversa. Popular opinion in Westface is somewhat united in a desire to break free of the shadow of King’s Port and surmount that city as the premier trading port on Terraversa. Opinions on how to do this are far less united with many advocating for an increase in production of the staples produced in Eastern Terraversa, while others call for a massive increase in commercial facilities. Allcock believes both sides have merits and that ultimately Westface will need to develop both if it is to compete with King’s Port. For now however, he believes that production must come before commerce. Here he sees an opportunity to both help Corrington’s new Ally and expand the East Terran Trade Company’s activities on Terraversa. Using his discretionary funds, he has purchased a water mill located astride a dam on the outskirts of Westface.
After some refurbishment, the mill is operational, processing mostly sugar cane on the ground and first level, while the upper floors are being used to temporarily direct the companies activities in Westface while a suitable office location is found. A manager has been found to run the mills operations and she watches the road for a delivery of raw cane from the nearby great plantations.

Sir Dirk and fellow ETTC shareholder (and current chairman!) Sir Isaac Montoya discuss business opportunities for the ETTC on Terraversa on one of the upper balconies.
Ayrlego writes:
My entry for Cat C supporting the agrarians in Westface. I wanted to continue what I’m dubbing my ‘vertical’ builds (small footprint but five stories high with overhang). Will be handed over to the ETTC for licensing as a factory.
About the Builder…
Did you know they sing songs about Ayrlego in the village square? Ha! Just kidding, the bard was shot because he was sounding terribly hoarse. Seriously, if you have been a reader of previous blog posts you’ll know he is a regular contributor to the LEGO Pirates Forum on Eurobricks and continues to support the Brethren of the Brick Seas game with builds that do wonderful things to your eyes. Also, you can view more of his creations on Flickr and Instagram, which you’ll notice have been getting progressively taller around the time this blog post was written.