Where there’s a will, there’s a way – and nothing rings more true when constructing a ship with a brick-built hull. For you see, the problem is; the smaller the ship, the greater the challenge!
A talented designer, by the name Bryckland, was not discouraged by this caveat when setting upon building his first pint-size vessel… but did he succeed?
Bryckland writes:
Hello everybody
This is my first attempt at a brick-built ship, I wanted to use the curved shape of the tail part in a way or another and eventually found how!
Short but sweet, but I knew it complete, when I sailed in a younger man’s clothes…
A Brick-Built Ship without A Name

A picture is worth a thousand words, and what more could we add which is not already self-evident about this amazing little ship?
Sometimes words are not needed as the build speaks volumes for itself

Hey look, young Jim Morrison humming to himself Land Ho!
Oh no! Admiral Woodhouse and his bothersome Imperial Guards have been sighted off the starboard broadside – except there are no cannons and therefore no broadside!
The Secret Technique
Bryckland continues:
I used modified plates #78257 (so useful!) and #63868 to get the exact angle I needed. Here is a screenshot from my Studio draft.
About the Builder…
Bryckland (often known as Alex), made his debut with this nifty little built in the LEGO Pirates forum back in the fall of 2022. An Imperial surveillance crew was promptly dispatched to monitor his work and gather more intelligence. One of our spies within Imperial ranks brings word that Bryckland hails from France, his favourite LEGO theme is Lord Of The Rings and, get this… he is on a mission to inform the masses of a tale concerning three adventurers in a medieval world name “Bryckland”. At this moment of writing, season I ‘The Golden Key‘ is well underway.
Bryckland the builder (not the medieval world), has an impressive Flickr account, with several simple yet astonishing builds. If yer have Instagram, you can follow his work and the rest of The Golden Key story there. And let’s give his ReBrickable a quick mention even though there isn’t much happening there at this time.
What Do Yer Think?
Is this one of the finest small vessels you’ve seen on the Classic-Pirates? Can you guess how many trans-blue round plates made up the water around this build? Our count is 242, how about yours? Have yer ever seen a ship with the anchor positioned right in the middle? What, you missed this small detail? It just goes and shows how awesome this design is.
But enough of these questions, sail around the LEGO Pirates forum and tell us what you think of it. We await you!