Have thee caught wind of the legendary Legostein… a Classic Pirate building machine! No longer does he build a single MOC, he now now builds entirely new LEGO Pirate sub themes! Often when I’m soaring high above the Brick Seas, before I swoop down upon a tasty morsel, I often spy one his creations sailing about. But for you to witness his amazing feats, you should observe his mighty Explorer Fleet!
Today chaps, we’ll be taking a sticky beak at one of Legostein‘s earlier MOCs, constructed during that primordial era when he shipwrighted petite renditions of Classic LEGO Pirate ship sets.
“Captain Ironhook’s Classic Pirate Junk” is a small, custom hulled ship inspired by the 1996 set, 6289 Red Beard Runner. Perhaps not the most eponymously titled MOC, given that Legostein has generously reassigned it to Ironhook. Nonetheless, the essence of Red Beard Runner is retained; the colour scheme, sail, flag and crew minifigures have all been seamlessly amalgamated into the smaller vessel.
The main notable difference however, is Captain Readbeard’s absence… true to the MOCs name, Ironhook is the captain onboard this vessel! Oh, Spinoza is not included.
Perhaps liken Captain Ironhook’s Junk as the counterpart to the Red Beard Runner, similar to how the 6268 Renegade Runner shared various similarities with the 6286 Skulls Eye Schooner.
A classic pirate junk for Captain Iron Hook! Color scheme authentic to set 6289 Red Beard Runner to fit swiftly into the series.
Legostein writes:
Hello everybody,
it’s my pleasure to share this classic pirate ship moc with you. It’s built in the style of the classic pirates theme, 3rd wave from 1996, and is intended an additional playset for that series. The color scheme matches the larger 6289 Red Beard Runner, with a red/dk.gray hull, blue cabin with yellow/white window, and a skull as rear window.
Have a nice day, and see you soon!

Avast! The hatches are closed and they’re ALL facing the opposite direction – this is the side to flank them!

Isn’t it grand that the classic LEGO Pirate sets have sails printed on both sides? Oh wait… the sail is just faded on the printed side!

Now let’s take flight to see what we can observe from above… oh look, she’s packing a nice pair of guns!

What’s that I spy near the entrance of the aft cabin? A treasure map and a limited edition 1592 world champion goblet?

Open those hatches and get them guns out! Now, if only there were some Imperial Guards around…
What the Devil! This this is not a Junk, is it?
Blimey! You almost caught old Sea Eagle out!
Well, in the formal sense of the word, no, a junk is a Chinese ship (船, chuán) with fully battened sails. However, the term “junk” derived from the Portuguese “junco”, the Dutch “jonk” and the Spanish “junco” during the colonial period to refer to any medium-to-large ships found in Asian cultures.
For more a accurate depiction, acquaint yourself with “Dragone Cremisi” by SpaceBrick – perhaps we’ll blog that ship one day too!
Because Captain Ironhook’s Classic Pirate Junk lacks a sail ahead of its foremast, it doesn’t classify as an authentic sailboat type. Bah to that I say! It evokes the nostalgia of a Classic LEGO Pirate set and that’s what counts!
About the Builder…
Legostein (alias Mini Wizardy) is an old hand at sharing spectacular submissions in the LEGO Pirates forum. Before his noble crusade to hatch new LEGO Pirates factions into the world, he nested himself among smaller ship adaptions, such as the “Caribbean Ribbit”. From there he blossomed into conceptualising entirely new factions… yes, that’s right factions – plural – meaning more than just one faction!
So let this be your Legostein introduction! The seams of his “Pirates” Brickshelf folder and his Mini Wizardry Flickr account are bellowing with yet more classic style creations!
What Do Yer Think?
Has Legostein nailed it with Captain Ironhook’s Classic Pirate Junk? Has he successfully built a ship that compliments the Red Beard Runner? Or has he flown too far over the cuckoos nest? If so, what would you have done differently with this build?
Tally ho! Let’s fly over to the LEGO Pirates Forum or the Facebook Post to discuss the possibilities…