The Stripey Bandana Boys – Pirates
This troublesome lot were possibly the most common of all the LEGO® Pirate minifigures, yet they are some of the most respected. They always seemed to be around, whether it was working as an imperial sailor on 6271 Imperial Flagship, or a pirate on 6285 Black Seas Barracuda, 6286 Skull’s Eye Schooner, 66290 Redbeard Runner, 257 Castatway’s Raft, 6267 Lagoon Lock-up, 6276 Eldorado Fortress, 6279 Skull Island, 6277 Imperial Trading Post, 6273 Rock Island Refuge, 1729 Barnacle Bay, 6259 Broadside’s Brig, 6261 Raft Raiders, 6268 Renegade Runner, 6235 Buried Treasure, 6260 Shipwreck Island, 1871 Pirate Cannon, 1733 Shipwrecked Pirate, 6252 Sea Mates, 6247 Bounty Boat, 6258 Smuggler’s Shanty, 1788 Pirate’s Chest, 6262 King Kahuka’s Throne, 6264 Forbidden Cove, 6266 Cannon Cove, 6261 Raft Raiders, 6254 Rocky Reef, 1970 Pirate’s Gun Cart, 1481 Desert Island and 6251 Pirate Minifigures.
They weren’t really rebellious pirates – they always did what they were told and never
tried mutiny. Which is strange, because they worked for two captains, Captain Redbeard and Captain Ironhook both of whom were bloodthirsty, crew-hating minifigs. But no, they went along with their commanders’ practices of fighting off the Imperial Soldiers and their leader Governor Broadside and the Imperial Guards and their leader Admiral Woodhouse as well as attempting to steal the treasure of King Kahuka and his Islanders. But that last one was often a failure. These minifigs ran right from the start of the pirate line up to the very end, and they will be remembered by all who they served and all who didn’t serve them.