Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game


Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game involves elements of both roleplaying and tactical combat. The “ship class” rules are written to support LEGO but any sort of toy can be used.

These rules are shareware so you may:

  • Print them out and make copies for personal use providing the copyright notice and this paragraph is retained
  • Give them to your fellow players.

You may not, however, incorporate any of this material into publications, hardcopy, online, or in any other media, with or without credit.

If you want to refer to this material online, please link to the Steve Jackson’s Home Page.


If you you have any questions or would like to arrange a tournament visit our Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game thread in the LEGO Pirates Forum. Steve Jackson reads and responds to posts in this thread periodically.

Please visit Steve Jackson’s Home Page for the latest updates and upcoming games.

Discuss Evil Stevie’s Pirate Game in the LEGO Pirates Forum!

The Rules

Charts, Tables and References

GM Tables

An assortment which one hopes is self-explanatory.

(Note some of these are designed for long, complex games, and are of no use for a sail-and-shoot game.)

GM Tables ►

Movement Plot

Each player needs one of these in order to plot his or her moves before making them.

Movement Plot ►

Player Setup Sheet

A sheet to use when starting a new player, if you’re allowing players to choose some elements of their starting setup.

Player Setup Sheet ►

Sutler Information

Buying and selling goods. Again, some elements here are more complex than you’ll want for every game.

Sutler Information ►

Turn Phrases

A cheatsheet from which the referee can read aloud in order to control the flow of the game.

Turn Phrases ►


These slips to allow random drawing of cargo items, special non-combat bonuses, or pirates with special abilities.

Slips ►

Pirate Names

A very brief list of individual and ship names with the right “sound” for a pirate game.

Pirate Names ►


What it takes, in terms of time, space and people, to run this game for a large group.

Logistics ►


Build Cutters & Brigs

This section is coming soon…

Building Cutters and Brigs ►

Create Your Own Sails

Check out these Step by Step tutorials for creating your own custom sails in our LEGO Pirates Forum.

Creating Your Own Sails ►

Sail Library

Here you’ll find scans of most of the official LEGO sails plus custom sails created by some of the best pirate MOCers.

Sail Library ►

Roy Riggs’ XLS

Print out the first sheet and use this as a guide for generating weather.

Download spreadsheet


A somewhat silly glossary of piratical language, with a bit of historical background.

Glossary ►

Where to now?

These rules are not licensed or approved by The LEGO Group.
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2003, 2010, 2011 and used with Steve Jackson’s permission.

21322 Pirates of Barracuda Bay LEGO set

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