The ship, named The Seeker, sailed out on the 6th of August and 6 weeks later it had reached the coast of an vast country. One of the sailors caught the sight of a some smoke between the trees and when the ship approached the shoreline they could see some people on land. At this […]
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The time has come once again to vote! Go Click here to see all the wonderful entries and cast your vote! And it also looks like the Winners of the Medium Category are in…
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Eurobricks and member Derfel Cardarn is in the hotseat in this interview. In episode #16 of ‘Behind The Helm’, Izzy and Connor get a chance to chat with Luke Watkins, a Eurobricks MOC Expert and a master of brick built landscapes. Luke shares with us past, present and upcoming projects from him as well […]
Read More…‘Behind The Helm’ Episode #16 – Derfel Cardarn
“The Wedding of Captain Brick Beard and The Governors Daughter.”, a brilliant creation for the Pillage the Village II contest by Eurobricks and member Dr. Steve. Check out The Captain Takes a Bride by Dr. Steve in the Pirate forum!
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“Being the biggest port of the bluecoat army, Port Knox is busy by day and by night. With the war over however, the bluecoats have a rare opportunity to relax and enjoy themselves.” Check out Port Knox by capto in the Pirate forum.
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After the peace on earth with pirates and imperials, the Redcoats and Bluecoats also decided to give peace. But with peace on earth, what are they going to do with all those cannons? Well one day a man thought of a great idea. The first ever water jet ski! Simply a cannon with a seat […]
Read More…PTVII: The Great Annual Cannon Races! by General Armendariz
Pirate captains often suffer from ‘Post- war Syndrome’, a long hatred for their enemies. After regular visits to the crazy house the waring captains are given a regime where they are set against each other in a number of contests. Only time will tell to see if these contests really work out, or if they’ll just increase the […]
Read More…PTVII: Skeet Club by Ratshot
Since the peaceful time came, duels couldn’t be done using swords or pistols anymore. The governor found a solution by letting duelists using fishes. This is the best way not to get anyone hurt, while allowing gentlemen that have a problem to solve it with honor. Discuss the Banana Duel by MrDarthLord in the forum!
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Eurobricks member Lego_Warlord_8 has been working on this brilliant entry in the medium division. The Grand Escape is full of action and nice minifigure posings. It looks like some pirates have just escaped from prison, and they are now rowing to sea and freedom! But first they should get rid of the chasing Imperial Guards! Will […]
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Eurobricks member Fonz entered the medium division in the PTV 2 Contest! The Troll kapt’n leaves the Island on the day he caught the Saw-fish… The skellie waves him goodbye! Discuss Kapt’n T-Roll leaves the Island by Fonz in the forum!
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In times of peace in the Caribbean, trade among everyone boomed without the threat of a pirate attack. Smaller ships such as this one where specifically for that purpose. With small crews and little to no defense they would stand no chance against pirate attacks, but in peaceful times they could be counted on to […]
Read More…PTVII: Coastal Trading Ship by Tom Bricks
Izzy, in a solo flight, interviews the worlds first and only female freelance LEGO® artist and writer. Mariann Asanuma shares with us some of her past as a LEGOLAND Master Builder, and she also talks about her hopes for the future of the LEGO hobby itself. Read ‘Behind The Helm’ Episode #15.5 – Mariann Asanuma […]
Read More…‘Behind The Helm’ Episode #15.5 – Mariann Asanuma
In the early morning, at a port allied with the Imperial Fleet, mischief is at hard work. Knowing that the Captain Stelivus doesn’t take well to stories of abnormal activities from abroad, one of the cabin boys, Peter, decided to make good of a poor situation for the captain. Stelivus had spent the previous evening […]
Read More…PTVII: It came from… Earth? by Joe H
Because an entry was not listed in the PTVII Medium Category voting thread (mistakes can happen) we’ve decided to do a re-vote as this seems the only fair solution. We are very sorry for the inconvenience and hope you don’t mind casting your vote again if you already voted. Go here to see all the […]
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