With a contest in full swing, the MOC’s keep showing up. Fat Tony brings us his version of the hanging cages from the second film, “Dead man’s Chest”. There is more to be seen in the Pirate Forum, including more to this MOC. Comment on “Where’s the rest of the Crew?” in the Pirate Forum.
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Poor poor Jack. Sometimes it seems like he just can’t win, Sebeus Iniwum recreates a classic scene from the second film Dead man’s Chest. Jack has a decision to make, and he faces that head on in this awesome MOC of the Kraken. See more of Hello Beastie in the forum!
Read More…Hello Beastie by Sebeus Iniwum
The first entry for the Pirates of the Caribbean MOC contest is there! It’s one of the most famous scenes of the first movie. I don’t think I have to explain which one because the MOC itself explains it very clearly. The only thing I want to say is that it ends with one of […]
Read More…Encounter at the blacksmith workshop by Yatkuu
So with the new Pirates of the Caribbean line in the stores it’s time to decide whether you prefer this new theme, or the Classic-Pirates theme, or perhaps you don’t care? The new theme has many new parts and very detailed torso’s, but some people don’t like fleshies, or have complaints about misprinted parts or […]
Read More…What do you prefer? Classic-Pirates or Pirates of the Caribbean?
The Creative Critic is an initiative in which we award prizes to those who leave the best constructive feedback on contest entries. Learn more in the What is the Creative Critic? thread in the LEGO Pirates Forum. We take it seriously enough to reward the best critics with LEGO prizes and matched the Creative Critic […]
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Here be the winners! BIIIIIIG congratulations to Cameron Tattersall who came first with 11 points. We have 3 equal second place winners with 9 points each – so we’ll give each of them a 8396 Soldier’s Arsenol! Winners, could you please contact us via the Contact Form with your shipping details. Please select “Claim a […]
Read More…Winners of the Picture Challenge!
► Build a MOC depicting a scene or vessel from any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Enter the MOC Forum Division ► Write a short story (300 words or less) about the classic LEGO Pirates encountering the characters/vessels/locations from the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise. Enter the Mailing List Division
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Only hours remain to vote for the winner of the our Picture Comment Challenge! It’s VITALLY IMPORTANT to vote because… a) You could win a 8396 Soldier’s Arsenal just for voting! b) Voting grants you an additional voting point for our upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean Contest – and you may allocate a certain number […]
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To determine the winner of our upcoming Pirates of the Caribbean Contest you will be assigned 5 points. You will then allocate points to the entries you deem worth of winning. Contest entrants may also allocate 1 point to their own entry! Visual Overview So participating in all three will give you a total of […]
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Our next BIG contest is almost here! Check out the Prize Pool: There will be two divisions each with its own Creative Critic awards. The Forum Division Build a LEGO® MOC depicting a scene or vessel from any of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Entries will be submitted in the LEGO Pirates MOC Sub-forum […]
Read More…BIG Contest with Prizes!
It’s time to vote for the winner of our Picture Comment Challenge and you could win a 8396 Soldier’s Arsenal just for voting! Picture Challenge entrants may also allocate 1 point to their own comments! But read the Voting Rules First! Once you know the rules head over to the Picture Challenge Voting thread and […]
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You have a mission! Write a witty or intriguing comment on this image. The three comments with the most votes will win a prize! The prizes be… For more information or to ask questions, visit: www.classic-pirates.com/challenge Please don’t ask questions by commenting on the Facebook picture or submitting the Contact Form. You shall find they […]
Read More…A Challenge with LEGO Prizes!
Get ready everybody – the next Pirate LEGO contest from Classic-Pirates.com is on its way! There’s some exciting prizes to be won! For more details follow the Blog News Feed, Facebook Page or subscribe to the Mailing List!
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The Pirates of the Caribbean news just keeps coming. This time it’s poly bag number 3. Set 30131 is Jack Sparrow in a dingy, which isn’t much, but for a premium minifig like this and it looks like you get one of the new glass bottle pieces. We can add this along side the wooden jack Sparrow and […]
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