About: JintaiZ Bio: Posts by JintaiZ: “HMS Unsinkable II” by VaneStream “Imperial Island Fort” by BrickHammer reaches 10K supporters on LEGO Ideas! “Return To Volcano Island” by Micro_model_maker “Under Jolly Roger! Estrella – Frigate” by NOD “Servant’s Gate” by Spud The Viking “Smuggler’s Shanty and Castaway’s Raft” by Kozikyo86 “Drydock, Beauchamp Shipyard” by CapOnBOBS “Free Vane and burn Nassau to the ground” by Mpyromaxos “Sabre Island Anno Domini 2021” by SleeplessNight “Fer Maiden” by Supersick_ “The Siege of Skull Island by Imperial Guards” by evancelt “On the road to Pamu” by Bregir “Saber Island/Volcano Island Combo” by Seaber “Reconnaissance in Force” by Ayrlego
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